Sometimes London breaks my heart

Walking down Oxford St tonight I saw something that very nearly reduced me to tears in the street.

Tucked away in a doorway was a homeless lady. Now, I know there are many many homeless people around the city, but there aren’t many like this lady; in her 80s.

She was really tucked away and most people will have simply not seen her, but for whatever reason, I did and it broke my heart. How can someone like this be on the streets? Do we really live in a society that dumps their grandparents on the streets?

I wandered on and went into Mc Donald’s and bought a cup of tea and an apple pie and took it back to her. As I handed it to her something became apparent; she had no idea what I was talking about. I don’t know if she was foreign or if she was suffering from dementia, but either way she didn’t understand me.

While giving a hot drink and food to a homeless octogenarian, people were walking passed me carrying bags. Bags full of pointless presents for people who don’t need anything.

If this has upset you too I ask you to do something for me, please give to Shelter. I live on benefits and still consider myself much better off than many people. Please give just a few pounds a month.