Defining definitions

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Love is blind.

We have many expressions that illustrate how we can all see the same things so differently and today has reminded me of something that bothers me.

A video is doing the rounds of a guy at Eurogamer interviewing various people and it has caused a stir due to his sexual language and actions when talking to women. I’m not here to moan about this though, I’m more interested in the reactions of different people.

So many people don’t seem to understand how what happened is sexual harassment. Many seem to think that because it was seen as a joke it’s ok or because the women nervously laughed and didn’t breakdown or run screaming for the police it’s ok. But it isn’t.

If this isn’t sexual harassment to them, what is? What do these people see as okay, and why?

Everybody has a different set of norms and values, these come to us as we grow up and learn about the world. The problem I have though is the lack of empathy many people seem to show. For example, I’m not Jewish, I’ve never had any Jewish friends or relatives. However, I do know that jokes about the Holocaust aren’t funny. I can understand how it would be offensive to people, how hurtful it would be. Why do so many seem to lack this ability?

I’m rambling a little due to it being 4am, but this issue really does trouble me. Just what is it that alters judgement like this so much?

Answers on a postcard! :p