Boxes and Hate

If moving house teaches you anything, it’s just how much shite you own!

Ok so maybe it’s not QUITE this bad, but I do have a good fort’s worth of boxes collected in my dining room with more scattered about the house. I keep trying to assure myself that it looks like a lot more than it is because there’s a whole house worth nearly in one room. Plus, things are normally hidden away in drawers and cupboards and on shelves and all that…but yeh, I have A LOT of stuff!

I find emotional attachment to objects an odd thing too. A teddy bear is an obvious thing to not want to get rid of, but do you ever find yourself connecting memories with other random things? Just me? I have a cheesegrater that was my Nan’s and I know now that I wouldn’t be able to part with it, because it was hers. Thankfully it is also a most resplendent grater of cheese and is thus still in use.

Just got a couple of days left until I move and I can say I’m ready now. Time to move on and make a new start. This house holds happy memories, but sad ones too that need cutting loose. I moved into this house four years ago with my boyfriend and 14 months ago that relationship ended. Watching him move his stuff out was so incredibly painful but not half as cutting as some of the things he’s said since. I used to want to buy this house and make it mine I was so happy here, but now I want, and need, to move.

I hope the move goes well, can’t wait to just be in and settled! Not got long though now, my train ticket has even been booked. First Class, natch! 🙂

Dates, Drugs and Blood

So, I had a date on Friday night, to say it went badly is an understatement.

So…we met up and it was all going fine. We had some cocktails in a really cool bar and then decided to move on to another. We got our drinks at the bar and sat down at a table…and here my memory stops completely. I think someone deposited something in my beverage at some point. Thanks mate.

I have no memory at all from here until I was on the escalator at Holborn station, on my own, and bleeding from my head. Yes, I fell down an escalator! I didn’t know where I was, why I was on my own or what had happened. Quite scary tbh. I was carted off to hospital in an ambulance, but I have no idea which hospital I was taken to. I waited in A&E to be seen but after being there ages and starting to get fed up of a French guy trying to feel my boobs, I left.

….and went to McDonalds for nuggets! Food bought, a meal for myself and a meal for a trampy looking guy who was trying to copper up for a brew, I checked out the local map. I was only about two tube stops from my hotel so I walked back as it wasn’t far. I know it can’t have been very far either as my food wasn’t cold when I finally ate it in my hotel room.

So what happened in the missing time? I’ve asked my date what happened and apparently we were both waiting for the tube (to where, from where I have no idea) and all of sudden I looked at him funny, smacked him in the face with my stick and buggered off. Why did I do this? Anyone who knows me, knows this isn’t like me at all. Did something else happen I don’t know about? I have no idea, and I never will but I feel really really bad that I hurt someone I actually liked.

So, as first dates go it was…errr….eventful!

I did view a flat on Saturday though and we are going to take it, so at least something went right!

*photo update*

The Importance of Nothing

When was the last time you did nothing? And I really mean nothing, on purpose. I did the other day and you know what? It felt good.

The weather outside was quite nice and the cats had gone out to hunt, fight and poop. (well, Eddie did, Lucy got outsmarted by a bluebottle and came in) I was pouring myself a drink and I thought I’m not going to go straight upstairs, I’m going to sit outside. And that’s what I did. No phone. No ipad. Just me.

It was really relaxing and made me wonder when was the last time I had actually, purposefully, done nothing. These days I’m always plugged into technology be it my phone, ipad, pc or xbox and this means I’m constantly thinking and in contact with people. It felt good to just cut off and chill out for a bit.

So, why can’t you do this? If the weather is crappy then go have a bath and just lie there for a little while, or rest on the sofa. No music, no tv, not even a book. Just stillness and nothing, disconnected from the hive mind. Give it a go, you’ll thank me!