Konami Pre E3 Press Conference

So, what can we look forward to from Konami!?

So, what can we look forward to from Konami!?
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater for the 3DS, which was chosen as the platform for this game to really showcase the hardware. The stereoscopic 3D features help add beauty and depth of the jungle aspects of the game and allowed Konami to create a depth of field found in nature that you don’t tend to find with indoor settings.
The 3DS has a gyrosensor, camera, wireless communication amongst other features that were high priority to be used in Snake Eater. In game there is the ‘photocama’ option, where the user can take a photograph using the built in camera on the 3DS and use that image as a camouflage pattern.
The gyrosensor influences Snake’s balance in the game, allowing the gamer to “become one with Snake”.

Pro Evo Soccer 2012. PES 2011 did expand the user freedom in the game with the on ball players, but off the ball players are important too and PES 2012 has concentrated on this aspect which has influenced both development and outcome of the game. To make zone defence and man marking more realistic, the AI has been improved to perform more sophisticated moves, creating tougher challenges. In the one on one situations, PES2012 has also seen improvements in the dribble cross-cuts and other plays making them easier to perform. You can keep up to date with PES news by joining their facebook group.

NeverDead. A new game in which the main character, Bryce Goldsmith is immortal, even his arms and legs grow back, certainly a feature not seen in any other game. The back story is that 500 years ago Bryce was a heroic demon hunter, but lost a challenge with the demon King, losing his wife in the process. The Demon King made him immortal by poking his eye out. In the present day Bryce is taking his revenge on the Demon King and aiming to fulfil his promise to kill him The detachable, growing back limbs can be used as an advantage in fighting and Konami believe that this will lead to a totally new game playing experience. Megadeath have written a song exclusively for the Neverdead E3 trailer. Coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 this Winter.

Lot of Silent Hill news. Silent Hill Collection is to be released with Silent Hill 2 and 3 retouched in HD. Silent Hill: Book of Memories being made exclusively for Sony’s next generation portable (NGP) Before that though is Silent Hill: Downpour, the new Silent Hill game focusing on convict Murphy Pendleton, allowing you to find out why he is in the town.
Downpour is set for release Winter 2012 on Xbox 360 and PS3

Kojima Productions, always a source of big news at E3, hasn’t let us down. This year they bring us a “New gaming lifestyle” called Transfarring. This allows you to move your saved game from your PS3 to your PSP via a cable (transferring out) so you can play on the go, and then back again when you get home (transferring in). Transfarring only take a few seconds. No longer do you have to choose one or the other. The games are not running on emulators, they have been specifically rebuilt and optimized for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Kojima plans to take transfarring further on, to move games about from a PS2 all the way to the NGP, aiming to make all PSP games transfarrable to PS3 HD.
First game to be transferring compatible will be Metal Gear Solid: Peace Wars, coming soon to PS3. Peace Wars will be included in the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection along with MGS 2: Sons of liberty and MGS3 Snake Eater. Out November 2011 for Xbox 360 and PS3. The HD collection will also be coming to Xbox 360. Another transfarring enabled collection set for release in 2012 is the Zone of the Enders Collection, Zone of the Enders 1 and 2 in HD for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Not much MGS:Rising news at this year’s E3, other than it will be a departure from the other MGS games, but Kojima are still aiming for a 2012 release.
To further wow us all, Kojima has been developing a new engine, the Fox Engine. This engine will path the road to go multiplatform in the future and is being used for Kojimas new multiplatform, transferring enabled, un-named up and coming game.

Watch the whole thing for yourself here

x Alice In Gamerland x

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