Boxes and Hate

If moving house teaches you anything, it’s just how much shite you own!

Ok so maybe it’s not QUITE this bad, but I do have a good fort’s worth of boxes collected in my dining room with more scattered about the house. I keep trying to assure myself that it looks like a lot more than it is because there’s a whole house worth nearly in one room. Plus, things are normally hidden away in drawers and cupboards and on shelves and all that…but yeh, I have A LOT of stuff!

I find emotional attachment to objects an odd thing too. A teddy bear is an obvious thing to not want to get rid of, but do you ever find yourself connecting memories with other random things? Just me? I have a cheesegrater that was my Nan’s and I know now that I wouldn’t be able to part with it, because it was hers. Thankfully it is also a most resplendent grater of cheese and is thus still in use.

Just got a couple of days left until I move and I can say I’m ready now. Time to move on and make a new start. This house holds happy memories, but sad ones too that need cutting loose. I moved into this house four years ago with my boyfriend and 14 months ago that relationship ended. Watching him move his stuff out was so incredibly painful but not half as cutting as some of the things he’s said since. I used to want to buy this house and make it mine I was so happy here, but now I want, and need, to move.

I hope the move goes well, can’t wait to just be in and settled! Not got long though now, my train ticket has even been booked. First Class, natch! 🙂

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