I knew it would end like this, but why does it?

Whenever I write a blog it always ends up being a big load of moaning. I wish to apologise for this, it annoys me to hell, so it must annoy other people! It’s like a really long facebook status, egh!

But why do so many of us have this need to moan to the world in this way? Can we see blogging like this as 21st century therapy sessions? Most problems seem less when you have actually voiced them, so is blogging just a digital form of talking out loud?

I’m never quite sure if I get anything from it really. I think I do in a way, it’s sometimes cathartic to just write everything down and ‘get it off your chest’ so to speak, but it is still monitored and restricted. Unlike going to see a therapist, who is sworn to never tell anyone anything and doesn’t know you either, the people who read this will almost certainly know me, digitally or in the flesh. I would love to be able to write all the things that are in my head, but that isn’t possible. I guess I shall keep using my friends and pussycat therapists for that sort of thing, though I’m sure they are so fed up of hearing about it all. I know I am.

It’s weird isn’t it, liking someone. I mean you can’t say why you do, you just do. Sometimes you could have known the person for years and then all of a sudden, ping, like a switch being thrown, you start to look at them differently. Or it could just as easily be someone you have just met. Either way, it’s ok, you can’t help feeling the way you do, but it does hurt to know they just don’t see you as you would like them to. They can’t help not feeling for you that way either though, but still, it’s rubbish.

I could moan about things but I should really be doing website stuff, so many things playing on my mind though at the moment, my concentration is shot to hell. I wish life came with a remote control, so you could fast forward through the dull or painful sections.

Ah well…. 🙂