Drugs, cats and dragons (disclaimer: excitement may vary)

So…turns out that my miserable git mood was all down to my migraine medication! I’m rather pleased about this, I didn’t enjoy being a moaning sod. I dare other people didn’t either. Since I’ve stopped taking them my mood has been soooo much better and I’ve actually been able to think clearly! Yes, the fact I couldn’t focus on anything at all, was also down to the glorious migraine tablets. It should also be noted that I was getting more migraines than ever before while on them AND I was told on Friday by a doctor that I shouldn’t have been on them anyway as I have Raynaud’s syndrome! So yeh, screw you propranolol!

So yeah, I’m all bouncy again now. My situation hasn’t changed at all and of course I’m rather bummed out about all the negative crap, but I’m not dragged down by it all…..or crying for hours! Seriously, those tablets should be banned, or at least only sold to women that read mills and boon novels and cry at corrie etc anyway.

In other news, my cat is fat. Now, to anyone who has seen Lucy this isn’t ground-breaking news, however it is now a problem. She has been getting what I can best describe as dreadlocks in her fur and it turns out she isn’t becoming a Rastacat, but she is too fat to reach that area of her back to clean it! *sigh* Her problem isn’t so much food, although she does LOVE food, it’s more her reluctance to ‘do stuff’. My cat is basically Garfield. She isn’t a fan of the outdoors and so doesn’t get any exercise there, and if you roll a ball passed her she just looks at it, confused. BUT she will play with the laser pen. A new laser pen has bought, due to the other vanishing to that magical place small object vanish to, and the running about has begun! She loves it so much! It’s on a keychain and all I have to do is shake it and she comes running! Adorable ball fur that she is!

SKYRIM! My Mum bought it for me on Friday! She nipped back into GAME, where I’d been looking at it earlier on, when I was trying some clothes on in a shop and bought it for me. I did jump up and down like a child and got some odd looks from people in the shopping center, but I don’t care! I’m cool and my Mum is ace! She also got me a Hello Kitty chocolate advent calendar today, yey! \o/

Anyway, I should really be writing an essay write now, but felt I should report about my better frame of mind and all that sort of thing. PMA and all that!
