Oh yeah, I have a blog

I keep forgetting about this, I should use it more.

I do like the idea of a blog but I wish I could just type it out in my mind when things come to me. Saying this though I think I actually have the app on my phone and iPad so I’m not sure what my excuse is. Stupidity, I’ll go with that :p

So, a few months on now and I’m pleased to say that the move went well. I’m loving living in London, it’s possibly the best thing I’ve ever done tbh. I can’t ever see me moving back though, I’m already used to the convenience and variety of living here.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that I’m not in as much pain here either. Now this isn’t to say that I’m cartwheeling down the street, but the harsh edge has gone. I visited back home last week and in less than a day the pain and fatigue had escalated, buggering off once more when I got back to London. Atmospheric pressure? Climate? I don’t know, all I know is it’s a great reason to stay here 😀