The Importance of Nothing

When was the last time you did nothing? And I really mean nothing, on purpose. I did the other day and you know what? It felt good.

The weather outside was quite nice and the cats had gone out to hunt, fight and poop. (well, Eddie did, Lucy got outsmarted by a bluebottle and came in) I was pouring myself a drink and I thought I’m not going to go straight upstairs, I’m going to sit outside. And that’s what I did. No phone. No ipad. Just me.

It was really relaxing and made me wonder when was the last time I had actually, purposefully, done nothing. These days I’m always plugged into technology be it my phone, ipad, pc or xbox and this means I’m constantly thinking and in contact with people. It felt good to just cut off and chill out for a bit.

So, why can’t you do this? If the weather is crappy then go have a bath and just lie there for a little while, or rest on the sofa. No music, no tv, not even a book. Just stillness and nothing, disconnected from the hive mind. Give it a go, you’ll thank me!

One comment on “The Importance of Nothing

  1. I used to use isolation tanks a while back. You lose all perception of time and space. But then you hallucinate and I scared myself so I stopped.
    I like the little annoyances, the beeps and the whirs and the whistles. It reminds me I’m still alive

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